Thursday, February 28, 2008

Red Dress '08

So...  Saturday night went a social event.  I know, the introvert that I am.  I went out for the night.  I was asked to help with Red Dress 2008.  What's "Red Dress" you ask?  It's only the social event of the year.  I'd never heard of it before last month.  Jess (Dave's girlfriend/ Dave above) asked if I'd help.  She needed a sober person at the door.  There's a couple of things that you have to do before we'd let you in.  First, you had to be 21.  Second, you had to have a ticket.  Last, you had to wear a red dress.  Guys too.  I don't think; I know I've never seen so many guys in drag.
I even helped with the DJ.  If you look closely, the far record player is mine.

Some of my friends that were there.  Top:  Nikki (Doug/ Chopper's Girlfriend)  She was getting a picture of me; the same time I was getting a picture of her.  I didn't get one of Doug.  I wanted to, but manning the door was a full time job.  He looked good.  He wore his normal cowboy get-up.  A red bandana print skirt with a red cowboy shirt & a bolo tie.  Middle...  Charles...  Bottom:  Leah, Christine, Shane, & Bryce...

Sadly, no pictures of me.  And no, I didn't wear a red dress.  (What with these birthing hips?  Are you kidding me?  Maybe a Moo Moo.  I'll have to get Bernice to send me one for next year.)  I wore jeans with white button up shirt, black tie, and black sweater.  I thought I looked pretty damn good, but not good enough to land me some tail.  

Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun.  I say "surprisingly" because I usually don't.  I'm pretty shy in these kinds of situations.  This time I let it all go.  I wasn't going to see most of these people again.  I'd like to thank Leah & Christine for hanging out with me most of the night.  True pals.

Another thing... Happy Birthday my Grandma & my good friend Jill.
'Til next time...

Monday, February 25, 2008

You Scream; We All Scream...

This last week was met with a lot going.  Monday was Presidents Day & sadly my work hates former presidents.  I didn't get the day off, but I did leave early so I could be with some friends from Southern California.  They are my dear friends Melanie & Lin with their awfully cute daughter Norah.  (Picture on right.  Norah at feeding time.  Sorry, I'm still getting used to the camera.)  I can't, but feel happier when I see this kid.  She is the cutest thing ever.  I'll have you know; the Wilde's Christmas card is still my wall paper at work.  It's good every day to start the day with a smile.  It was fun to be with good friends.  Also attending were Aaron, Jason, & Mel Led.  We all haven't been together since "The Best Damn Fireworks" '06.  We met at Mel Led's penthouse apartment over looking the city. Mel took Soffe & I for a tour of the place.  I was secretly looking for Kyle Korver.  The newest member of the Utah Jazz.  I know Mel was hoping for a sighting as well.  (He's got 2 more years on his contract.  Mel, there's still hope.)  Mel made veggie lasagna & I brought down salad, Atwood's Ranch Dressing (Best EVER!), & Crumb Bros. Bread.  Fun times were had by all.
I just finished the book Twilight.  I have to say my official review is "MEH."  It wasn't the greatest book I've ever read, but it wasn't the worst.  To me, it really wasn't that entertaining.  It read pretty fast which I liked , but there were things that bugged me.  I think the thing that did it was Bella's absolute obsession with Edward especially the eyes. 
 Enough with the eyes, I know they're golden.  I guess they showed what state he was in.  Another thing is the Star Trek ending.  Star Trek:  Next Generation was notorious for having conflict beaten easily the last ten minutes.  It bugs me that Twilight did the very same thing.  Nothing...  Nothing...  Nothing...  Conflict...  Easily handled.  Come on!  I guess the book was written for a teenage girl granted, but gimme a break. They aren't dumb or are they?  I wouldn't know.  I'll read the sequels.  I've heard they're better.  May be the first one was setting things up.  I don't know.  I'll find out soon enough.  I'll be starting New Moon soon.  I've also heard through the rumor mill that Stephanie Meyer will be rewriting the story from Edward's perspective.  I'll have to say that may be the better story, but only time will tell.  

Have good week.  I've got the next one working up in my head.  Until then...

Monday, February 4, 2008


I had the chance to see Editors for the 3rd time, and the 2nd in the last 6 months.  If you haven't seen them, do it now.  What are you waiting for?  Go now!  They are going to be uge (Yes, I meant to leave the "h" off.).  From the show in September, the # of people tripled.  It was packed.  Still playin' all the hits. My personal fav Blood is always awesome.   Still closin' with Finger in the Factories.  I just opened the new LP (Long Player/ Record) and got a CD with it.  Let me say this, it's better than the first.  Suprising, I know!  Do yourself a favor and go see this band.  If you can't go buy both albums.

PS...  I've learned to make this.  It's shortbread and it's YUM-O(Rachel Ray)!