Thursday, August 28, 2008

What does...

Me...  SLC...  6 Cute Ladies (Count 'em ...1...2...3...4...5...6; 2 of them Heathers)...  A Local Celeb...  Kilby Court...  Loom...  Pizza Drug (Mmmm...)...  2 Parties (1 Gay; 1 Straight)...  The Word Huggie...   JD...  Rob...  A Lap Dance...  Dirty Eagle...  A Hard Wooden Floor...  Bernie & Bernice (Yes, they're in town.)... & Music & the Spoken Word...  Equals...

One Wild Weekend for Tom!!!


MissLed said...

WOW! That's quite the combination of events Tom!

Tori said...

6 Heathers? Impressive! I am glad it was enough to make you BLOG! ha ha! We've missed ya Tom!